Easy Pool Pass
To access your daily pass, use the URL, http://www.easypoolpass.com/passes/
Please review the instructions below before attempting to create your passes for the first time.
Enter the Facility Code and your Resident ID. This information is NOT case sensitive and should have received an email with the Facility Code and Resident ID. We are not using phone numbers. If you can't find the information, email summerchase1@summerchase.org. Please do not share or allow your family members to share the facility code and resident id with non-family members. Residents who abuse pool entry are subject to having their pool privileges denied.
What displays is your daily pass. Adjust the number attending from your family under How Many Enter? by clicking on Adult to display the screen for adding or removing the number of passes needed for Adults and/or Children in your household. Guest passes are entered from a different option.
The max number of adult and children passes setup for your household displays. If this number is incorrect, please email summerchase1@summerchase.org with the correct adult/children head count.
Use the plus and minus key to adjust the number of passes needed for your household and click Update once correct.
To request guest passes, click I Need Guest Passes. Do not click the blinking checkmark, as that is for something else that is not currently working.
Each household can have up to 6 guest passes per day. Enter the number of guest passes needed, then click Get Guest Pass.
This is an example of the pass you will show the lifeguard when entering the pool. The number of household members are in green and guest passes in blue.
To access your daily pass, use the URL, http://www.easypoolpass.com/passes/
If you do not have access to a smart phone, you may give your Resident ID to a lifeguard and they will create the pass for you.