No Parking Petition
A petition is required to make changes to street parking regulations. The petition must clearly state the parking prohibition or removal of parking prohibition being sought and the reason for the request. Side of road, limits, and times may vary depending on the need. Petitions for individual properties or a single household are NOT accepted,
The petition requires a line for each property affected. This includes the property owners on both sides of the road within this proposed zone. Signatures from homeowners outside the proposed zone are not acceptable and only one signature per household will be tallied. The petition must include the following for each affected property:
House Number/Address
Homeowner’s name in print form
Homeowner’s phone number
Whether they approve or disapprove (only one per home)
Homeowner’s signature
If a home/property owner is opposed to the petition that person should still sign the petition and check disapprove. Some people may be reluctant to sign if they are opposed to the change, but a blank does not voice their opinion.
Below is a sample petition that can be downloaded.
Upon completion, mail the petition with a letter requesting the parking prohibition to:
Charles M. Thien, PE
Division Manager, Transportation Operations
St. Louis County Department of Transportation
1050 N. Lindbergh Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63132
If you have questions, please contact:
Christopher Hauber, PE
Traffic Studies Project Manager
St. Louis County Department of Transportation
(314) 615-1132
11201 Schaefer Dr
Maryland Heights, MO 63043