2024 Summer Chase 1 Trustees


Please email summerchase1@summerchase.org if you have questions or concerns.  Trustee phone numbers should be used for urgent matters.

Jake Chambers1218 Summerpoint Ln314 402-3563
Tammy Loeffelman1605 Summerpoint  Dr314 313-1712 
Alissa Pugh1616 Summerpoint Dr314 637-6742


If you are not receiving email communication, please email you contact information to  summerchase1@summerchase.org.  We only send communication to residents of Summer Chase 1 and pool members.

9/18/24 - Annual Meeting and 2025 Trustees

Summer Chase 1's annual meeting will be held Monday, October 21. at 7 pm in the  Flex Room at Rockwood Summit High School.  Early in October we will be sending correspondence regarding the meeting by USPS mail as required per our indentures.

As of today all 3 trustees plan on returning and upholding the board member responsibilities for 2025.  The current board consists of Alissa Goetz, Tammy Loeffelman and Jake Chambers.  If you are planning on running, please submit your nomination using this form ASAP.   We need to complete the ballot and get the paper mailing out per out indentures.    If you have questions about what is involved please feel free to reach out to any current trustee.

According to our indentures we must hold an annual meeting and elect trustees at the meeting. As mentioned above all 3 trustees will be returning however, per our indentures we still need 103 ballots returned.

A few topics that will be discussed are:

1. 2024 Challenges

2. 2024 Improvements

3. Indenture Changes

4. 2025 Projects and beyond


Summer Chase 1 Trustees

10/23/23 - SC1 Annual Meeting

Thank you to those who attended the meeting tonight.  It was nice to see so many residents in attendance and we received a lot of good feedback.  We also want to thank the 108 residents who turned in their ballot and allowed us to establish a quorum for our meeting.  We did receive 1 more vote compared to last year!

The trustees for 2024 will be Jake Chambers, Jorge Garcia and Alissa Pugh.  Special thanks to Brian Reitz and Terry Richars for stepping up and running.  

The slide deck that was presented at the meeting is attached for those who were unable to attend.  

SC1 Meeting Slide Deck 

10/19/23 - Summer Chase 1 News

Summer Chase 1 Annual Meeting and Ballot Collection

The annual meeting will be this coming Monday, October 23. at 7 pm in the  Flex Room at Rockwood Summit High School. We've currently received 49 ballots but need 54 more to establish a quorum.  Only 24% of the residents have turned in their ballot.  Receiving the ballot prior to the meeting is helpful, but not necessary.  If you aren't planning on attending, please submit your ballot one of the following ways:

Remember a signed ballot still counts towards quorum even if you don't vote for any candidates.  

If you have misplaced your ballot, there is a link at the end of the email to a printable ballot and link on the homepage of Summer Chase's website.

Waste Connections - Seasonal Yard Waste Pickup

Monday, October 23, is one of the 3 seasonal waste collection days Waste Connections provides during the year.  All residents are allowed to put up to 10 yard waste bags on the seasonal collection day.   If you have questions regarding this collection or other waste services, contact Waste Connections by calling 636 321-2100.  

Waste Management Cart Collection

We share in everyone's frustration with Waste Management and the non-collection of some green waste cans.  We have reached out numerous times to them and have attempted group collection without much success.  At this point we're going to advise anyone whose green cans have not been collected to reach out to Waste Management at 314-269-0718 to schedule a pick up of their specific address.  We were hoping to avoid this by having specific dates for collection, but this obviously isn't working.  

Helpful Links

Map to room 220 - Flex Room

Printable 2024 Trustee Ballot

10/9/23 - Waste Management Cart Collection-Part IV

Please place your green Waste Management carts at the curb on Thursday, October 12th, as Waste Management will be collecting them.  (fingers crossed)

We've noticed several residents have placed non-Waste Management carts at the curb.  These will NOT be collected by Waste Management.  If you don't want to use the cart for personal use, you need to schedule a free bulky item pick up with Waste Connections by calling 636 321-2100 to have them dispose of the cart.  The call must be placed at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled waste collection day.  

10/6/23 - Waste Management Cart Collection-Part III

 We have been in contact with Waste Management to try to resolve the green Waste Management carts being collected.  The 3rd party company they hired yesterday did pick up a few but we can see lots of green carts still remain.  Waste Management is working on resolving this issue as the 3rd party didn't work out as planned.  We will send out an email with the next date they plan to attempt to collect the containers so you will know when you should  place the green containers back at the curb. 

10/2/23 - WM Cart Collection & Trustee Nominations-Part II 

This Thursday, October 5th, Waste Management will collect only the green Waste Management carts.  They will NOT be collecting the black St. Louis County recycling carts or any other none Waste Management carts.  If you have carts you no longer want, you can schedule a free bulky item pick up with Waste Connections by calling 636 321-2100.  The call must be placed at least 24 hours prior to Tuesday's regular waste collection.  

We now have 5 candidates running for trustee and have closed the nomination form.  Thank you to all who submitted a nomination!  You should receive your ballot and the information about the candidates in next week's mail.   According to our indentrues we need to receive at least 103 ballots to establish a quorum.   Please turn in your signed ballot once you receive it and help us establish a quorum

10/2/23 - Email sent to SC1 -Waste Management Container & Trustee Nominations 

We've received several emails from residents regarding the Waste Management containers not being picked up on Friday.  We did contact Waste Management to find out when they will be picked up and have not heard back.  Once we hear the new date we will send out an email.  

We did receive an official nomination for 1 of the two open trustee positions.  Thank you Jake Chambers for stepping up!  We still need 1 more.  We've heard rumors that we should be receiving another.  If you are planning on running, please submit your nomination using this form ASAP.   We need to complete the ballot and get the paper mailing out per out indentures.    

9/22/23 - Email sent to SC1 - Annual Meeting, 2024 Trustees and Waste Transition Information


Summer Chase 1's annual meeting will be held Monday, October 23. at 7 pm in the  Flex Room at Rockwood Summit High School.  Early in October we will be sending correspondence regarding the meeting by USPS mail as required per our indentures.

We have not received any trustee nominations to fill the 2 spots that will be vacated.  The current board is willing to help any new trustee understand what is involved and answer any questions they would have throughout the year.  It's a volunteer job and you can decide how you want to do it.  Plus you get your 2024 assessment waived.  Please consider serving your community.  If you have questions about what is involved please feel free to reach out to any current trustee.

According to our indentures we must hold an annual meeting and elect trustees at the meeting. We have one trustee that will be returning but need to fill the other 2 spots per our indentures.  Hopefully some residents will step up to be trustees between now and the meeting.  If no one steps up then we will be contacting St. Louis County to make them aware we were unable to get 3 residents from the 206 residents in Summer Chase 1 to serve as trustees and the County will take over control of our subdivision.


As communicated previously, Summer Chase 1's contract with Waste Management expires at the end of September and Friday, September 29, will be the final service day for Waste Management.  Waste Connections is the waste hauler assigned to Summer Chase 1 by St. Louis County.  The schedule for the waste transition will be as follows:

Monday, September 25

Waste Connections will be using the pool parking lot to stage the new carts and begin delivering carts to each resident.  We do not know how long this process will take, but you should be receiving new carts next week.  Everyone will be receiving a cart for regular waste and a cart for recycling.  We are just the messenger and Waste Connections Customer Care should be contacted at 636-321-2100 if you have questions.

Wednesday, September 27

Waste Management will collect yard waste for residents that have yard waste service.

Thursday, September 28

Waste Management will collect regular waste.

Friday, September 29

Waste Management will collect recycling waste and all green Waste Management carts.  Please place your recycling cart and any EMPTY Waste Management carts at the curb that morning or evening before.

Monday, October 2

Waste Connections will be collecting recycling on Mondays.  Yard waste will also be collected on Mondays for residents with that service.  

Tuesday, October 3

Waste Connections will be collecting regular waste on Tuesdays.  


Starting in October, Mondays will be the collection day for recycling and yard waste and Tuesdays will be the collection day for regular waste.  The seasonal yard waste collection will be the 4th pick-up day of April, July, and October.  Waste Connections will be sending everyone a card in the mail regarding their services.  Click here to see the copy of the card on the SummerChase.org website under the Info option.  


We do put all our email communication on the Summer Chase 1 website.  If you can't find an email we've sent, you can always refer to the homepage to find the information. 

9/4/23 - Email sent to SC1 - SC1 Trustee Nominations and Waste Information

Urgent 2024 Trustee Nominations Needed  

We need at least 2 residents to step up and run for a position on our HOA.  Jorge Garcia plans to run but DeAnn Laaker and Tracy Scherrer will not be running.  The trustee term is for 1 calendar year and you decide if you would like to run again.  It is a volunteer position but your yearly assessment fee is waived.  

The position can be somewhat time consuming, but many major renovations and maintenance items have been completed in the past few years, so the time required should be minimal.      

If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the 2024 Trustee Nomination form.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a trustee position.

Waste Information

We had a few inquiries after our previous email regarding our subdivision moving to the St. Louis Districts and thought we'd share the information to all in case others had the same questions.  

Yard waste is optional, but residents who choose to have yard waste pickup must use the waste hauler that is assigned to our trash district.  If you have set up yard waste with Waste Management, your last yard waste pickup will be Wednesday, September 27th.    

The new service with Waste Connections does include 3 seasonal yard-waste collections (spring, summer and fall).  These dates will be scheduled and communicated by Waste Connections.  There is a limit to10 bags per household for each seasonal pickup.

If you have questions regarding the services Waste Connections will be providing please reach out to their customer service department at 636-321-2100

The HOA fees and waste fees have been listed separately on the assessment invoice.   Next year's assessment will not include a separate line for waste as each resident will manage their own waste payment like other residential utilities.  Last year you were invoiced $640.39.  The HOA fees were $508.54 and trash service from Jan 1 to September 30 was $131.85. 

Reminder all scheduled waste pickups will be delayed by one day this week due to the Labor Day holiday.  

8/11/23 - Email Sent To SC1- Waste Service Information

The 2023 assessment included funds for waste services from January through September due to our contract with Waste Management expiring.  Starting in October Waste Connections will be Summer Chase1's  waste service provider.  Each resident will individually manage payment of their waste services and the HOA will no longer be collecting funds for waste services with the annual assessment.  

Waste Connections will be mailing you an invoice for October through December services within 7 to 10 business days.  When you receive the invoice you will need to do the following to set up autopay.

Waste Management will be collecting all Waste Management containers, the green ones with the green or yellow lid, on Friday, September 29, after the recycling pickup that day.  Any Waste Management regular or yard waste containers will need to be emptied and placed out on the curb that morning with your weekly recycle container.  We will send out a reminder towards the end of September regarding the Waste Management container pickup.

Waste Connections will be sending us information on requesting containers and we will pass it on once we receive it.

8/18/23 - Email Sent To SC1- (Parts of this email were sent to all pool members)

Back To School Pool Hours

Starting Monday, August 21, the pool will open from 4 pm to 8 pm each weekday (M-F) and weekends AND Labor Day will be noon to 8 pm due to lifeguards returning to school. 

2024 Trustee Nominations  

We reached out a few weeks ago for nominations and haven't received any.  There will be at least 2 open spots on the board.  We really need some residents to step up otherwise there is a chance St. Louis County will control the management of our subdivision.  

To give people a better understanding of what is involved, a list of typical duties of the trustees can be found on the website.  This is a great opportunity to get involved and have a platform to implement ideas for improvement.  We encourage new participation from someone looking to make a difference.  Many major renovations and maintenance items have been completed in the past few years, so mainly typical day to day responsibilities will be required.     

If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the 2024 Trustee Nomination  form.  Nominations will be accepted through August 30th.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a trustee position.     

7/30/23 - Email Sent To SC1- (Parts of this email were sent to all pool members)

Waste Survey Results

We received 101 votes and 73% wanted to opt into the St. Louis County Waste District program.  We will start the process and communicate information about the  waste district program once we find out how everything will work.


The storm on Saturday left a lot of debris in and around the pool.  A tree was blown over by the pool parking lot.  It may take several days before the area is back to normal.   We also want to remind everyone to clean up after themselves and their family and thank those that take the time to clean up after others and help make our community better.  

2024 Trustee Nominations  

It's that time of the year that we reach out to the Summer Chase 1 residents and see if anyone is interested in running for a trustee position for 2024.  There will be 2 open spots on the board.   Last year DeAnn Laaker and Tracy Scherrer both indicated 2023 would be their last year to serve.  

To give people a better understanding of what is involved, a list of typical duties of the trustees can be found on the website.  This is a great opportunity to get involved and have a platform to implement ideas for improvement.  We encourage new participation from someone looking to make a difference.  Many major renovations and maintenance items have been completed in the past few years, so mainly typical day to day responsibilities will be required.     

If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the 2024 Trustee Nomination  form.  Nominations will be accepted through August 30th.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a trustee position.     

7/13/23 - Email Sent All Pool Members - Summer Chase Items

Pool Concerns

We wanted to address the concerns we’ve received about pool closures and the St. Louis County inspections.  

Unique is working with St. Louis County on the ladder issue and will remedy this situation.   

We have been told that fluctuation in the PH levels is normal for a newly resurfaced pool and also after rainy, stormy weather like last evening.  The staff has done their best in getting the chemicals in balance in a timely manner to get the pool reopened as quickly as possible when the levels are out of balance.  

Roger From Waste Management

We've received several emails regarding how great Roger from Waste Management has served our subdivision and we agree!  We wanted to let you know that he is retiring in November.

7/13/23 - Email Sent SC1 & SLE - Waste Contract

Our contract with Waste Management expires at the end of September so a decision needs to be made about the future of our trash service for the subdivision.

Waste hauling costs (fuel, salaries, dumping, equipment, etc.) have increased and most haulers now charge an energy surcharge fee for fuel and administrative fees.  In 2008 St. Louis County established trash districts and only the county contracted hauler is authorized to provide trash service in the unincorporated trash districts.  Subdivisions were allowed to opt out of the program as long as the subdivision was maintaining a contract for all residents.  The trash districts reduced the large truck traffic and wear and tear on the roads by not having multiple haulers serving the same area.  At the time Summer Chase 1 and Summer Lake Estates opted out of the trash district program and maintained a contract with Waste Management as it was cost effective for the residents.  With the costs rising we feel the need to revisit the topic to get a majority vote on the decision.  Once a subdivision opts into the St. Louis County trash districts they can no longer opt out per the ordinance.  Most of the subdivisions in our area have opted into the St. Louis County trash district including the Estates at Summer Chase, San Luis Hills, Remington Oaks and Summit View.   St. Louis County is committed to offering residents competitive pricing and renegotiates their contract every 5 years.

We've outlined below our current contract with Waste Management, the proposed contract with Waste Management and what St. Louis County offers in their trash district program.   We also contacted Aspen Waste, but aren't considering them since their costs are higher and they don't offer yard waste services.

Waste Management (Current Contract - Expires 9/30/23)

Waste Management (36 Month Contract - Would Start 10/1/23 to 9/30/26)

St. Louis County Trash District 4 (Current hauler Waste Connections. Contract would start 10/1/2023 with a rate adjustment in April 2024.  We'd be starting with year 2 rates and they have 3 more years of locked rates District 4 Rates)

Aspen Waste

Since Waste Management is not the cost effective option, we are considering opting into the St. Louis County trash district program.  We created a short survey to get feedback from the residents and will choose the option the majority wants.  

Click here to participate in the waste survey

We encourage everyone to participate in the survey.  We need to close the survey on 7/26/23 to allow for time to get service in place if the majority want to opt into the trash districts.  After the survey period we will communicate the results and any additional details you need to know based on the decision.

7/6/23 - Email Sent To All Pool Members - Summerlake Estates Lake

The repairs to the Summerlake Estates lake have been completed and the lake is now open.


6/21/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Lake Closure at Summerlake Estates

The lake in Summerlake Estates will be closed until further notice.  The closure is due to needed repairs to the deteriorated spillway.  The lake will need to be lowered and heavy equipment will be in the area.  Communication will be sent once the work has been completed and the lake is available for access.  

6/2/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Sports Court-Saturday, June 3rd-Temporary Closure

Sports Court-Temporary Closure

The Sports Court will be closed Saturday, June 3rd, starting in the morning and should reopen around 1 pm the same day.  The lines on the 2 pickleball courts on the tennis court will be painted yellow during the closure.  Sorry for the late notice, but the contractor was able to fit this work in earlier than originally planned.

5/10/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Summer Chase 1 - 2023 Pool Season


The 2023 pool season will start on Saturday, May 27th, and end on Monday,  September 4th.   Daily pool hours are:

10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Unique Pools, our pool management company, is requiring us to alter operating hours when Rockwood School District is in session.  This is due to staffing issues.  Below are the dates and times for May and June.  The end of the season dates and times will be communicated in August.

5/30/23 to 6/1/23 - 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

If you have any pool related issues, please report them to Unique Pools at 314 455-6350 or email info@UniquePoolManagement.com.  Be sure to include Summer Chase 1 pool as they service many pools.   If Unique doesn't address your issue, please make the trustees aware of the issue through an email to summerchase1@summerchase.org.  The subdivision pays a lot for Unique to manage the pool, and we need to be aware if they are not doing their job.  


We have developed procedures for the lifeguards that addressed some of the feedback we received last year and hope to see improvements this pool season.  Here are some of the changes you may see:


Unique's Easy Pool Pass system will be used again this year.  This is a digital pass system that uses a smartphone to retrieve your entry pass from a website URL.  All residents who have paid their 2023 assessments and any late fees if applicable should have received an email with details about using EasyPoolPass.  The email included the Facility Number and your family's 2023 Resident ID to retrieve your daily pass.  Please test your access prior to the pool opening.

Please show a lifeguard your pass when you enter the pool area.  Do not wait for the lifeguards to ask.  If you have guests not arriving with you, please meet them at the gate and show the lifeguards your guest passes.  Only 6 guests are allowed per family.

If you do not have a phone that can access a URL, the lifeguards will have a list  of all resident information.  Give the lifeguard your name and Resident ID for them to verify you are a resident.    

We still have $5,056.33 in outstanding assessment collections.  Any resident with a balance will not be able to use the pool.  Your account is listed as inactive in Easy Pass and will be noted on the residential sheet the lifeguards use.  


The new diving board will be installed in time for the pool opening.   Since we had to replace the diving board after one year of usage, we posted a Diving Board Rules sign by the diving board.   We hope these rules being enforced will allow us to get many more years out of the new diving board.


We have been busy preparing for the pool season and have completed the following:


The summerchase.org website contains various information about Summer Chase 1.  We try to post all our email communication on the home page and often get questions that are already answered on the website.  Please check the site before emailing us.  We do not mind answering questions as it often provides us with content that should be placed on the website, but with 291 residents belonging to the pool, it's helpful when residents can find answers on the website.

3/16/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Summer Chase 1 News

Sports Court

Warmer weather should be here soon and our sports court will start to get more use.  Please remind your family to leave the court better than it was when they arrived.  We've had several residents tell us when they  plan to visit the court they bring grocery bags and pick up trash.   If you bring your dog to the court, please make sure they don't leave any deposits on the court.  Several times last year large deposits were left (super gross!).  We have included blowing off the court in this year's landscaping contract to help with tree droppings, but everyone is responsible for keeping our court cleaned up.

A few weeks ago we found one of the blue benches destroyed on the court and ordered 2 new solid benches.  These new benches are heavy duty and should withstand all the various activities we've seen on the court.  We will be placing them on the court once it is warm enough to assemble.

The portable pickleball nets are not toys.  Please don't allow your kids to play with them.  Last year the center poles were removed and one was lost and the other found by the pool dumpster.  The nets were constantly being taken apart too.  We have screwed the poles to prevent removal and zip tied the nets too.  If moveable parts on the sports court continue to be a maintenance nightmare we may not be able to offer those options.


Last year we had a few incidents of middle schoolers jumping the pool fence after school.  We have recently contacted the police and asked them to patrol the area at the time school lets out and especially during warmer weather.  The police asked us to remind residents to call their non-emergency number, 636-529-8210, if activity is occurring in the common ground areas that may cause harm to our property.  They need to catch one or two kids and this generally alleviates the issue.  

If there is damage to our subdivision property or something the trustees need to assess, please email summerchase1@summerchase.org.

No Parking Zone

We noticed that St. Louis County has extended the no parking zone at the pool to the length of the pool fence.  We wanted to make you aware of this change as in the past it was legal to park in front of the pool.  We were not informed by the county this change was being made and do not know why but assume it is for safety. 


We still have over $7000 due from assessments.  The subdivision has already spent $25,000 on normal operating expenses like insurance, electricity for all the street lighting and entrance, trash, accounting, pool management, landscaping, etc.  Notices have been mailed with late fees.  It does cost the subdivision more when people do not pay on time and the late fees help cover the cost.  


The new blue pool covers and bathroom partitions have been installed and we have new trash bins for the pool area.  The main pool will be getting resurfaced soon.  We will be sending more information regarding the pool and passes closer to the start of the pool season. 

2/8/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Summer Chase 1 Assessment

We want to thank those who have already paid their assessment and remind those that haven't that assessments are currently due.  Any assessment not received by March 1, 2023 will be considered late and subject to a late fee of 25% of the assessment.  Please make sure you pay before March 1 to avoid paying the late fee as late fees will not be waived.  Article VI of the subdivison's indentures discusses assessments and how unpaid assessments are handled.  A copy of the indentures can be found under the Info section on Summer Chase 1's website, summerchase.org.

If you have misplaced your assessment invoice or have questions concerning your payment status, please email our accounting firm.  The address is:   staff@asg-stl.com.  Be sure to include the owner name, address and Summer Chase 1 subdivision in your email.

We pay an accounting firm to process all assessments.  Please do not drop off your assessments at the HOA mailbox.  Please follow the instructions on the assessment invoice for remittance.  Our accounting firm and bank do not offer an electronic way of payment or credit card.  We have looked into electronic payment each year but as of right now a check is the only payment method that is accepted.

1/9/23-Email Sent To All Pool Members - Summer Chase 1 Assessment

Assessment invoices were mailed December 15.    We want to thank those who have already paid and remind those that haven't, per our indentures they are due January 15.  A grace period has been added and any payment not received by March 1, 2023 will be considered late and subject to a late fee of 25% of the assessment.  Please make sure you pay before March 1 to avoid paying the late fee.

If you have misplaced your assessment invoice or have questions concerning your payment status, please email our accounting firm.  The address is:   staff@asg-stl.com.  Be sure to include the owner name, address and Summer Chase 1 subdivision in your email.

12/2/22-Email Sent To All Pool Members and Waste Management section sent to SC1 Only

ASSESSMENTS (SC1, SLE and Pool Members)

Per our indentures the annual assessments will be mailed by December 15, 2022, with a due date of January 15, 2023.  The Trustees are not allowed to change these dates, as they are stated as such in the indentures. As we did last year, the fee accrual will be March 1, 2023.  

We pay our accounting firm, Accounting Solutions, to mail and process all assessments.  Please do not drop off your assessments at the HOA mailbox.  Please follow the instructions on the assessment invoice for remittance.  Our accounting firm and bank do not offer an electronic way of payment or credit card.  We have looked into electronic payment each year but as of right now a check is the only payment method that is accepted.

Our contract with Waste Management ends at the end of September 2023.  Waste Management wasn't able to provide reasonable rates for the 4th quarter of 2023 at the time we were setting the 2023 budget.  The rates they gave us would have been an increase of $97.20 per year.  We made the decision to not include funds for the 4th quarter of trash in the assessment bill.  We will research our options and supply more details in 2023 once we have had time to thoroughly investigate.     


In 2023 we planned to update the bathroom flooring and stall partitions.  We were able to get the bathroom floors completed this past week and have included a link of the progress for those who are interested in seeing the before and after pictures of the flooring.  

11/15/22-Email Sent To SC1 Members

Thank you to those who attended the meeting last night.  It  was nice to see so many residents in attendance and we received a lot of  good feedback.  We also want to thank the 107 residents who turned in their ballot and allowed us to establish a quorum for our meeting.   

The trustees for 2023 will be Tracy Scherrer,  DeAnn Laaker and Jorge Garcia.  Special thanks to Robert O'Leary for stepping up and running.  

The slide deck that was presented at the meeting is attached for those who were unable to attend.  

SC1 Meeting Slide Deck

10/11/22 -Email Sent to SC1 Members

Annual Meeting - Date Change

Rockwood School District needed us to move the date of our meeting.  The annual meeting will now be 1 week later.  The new date is Monday, November 14th.  The meeting will still be at Rockwood Summit High School in room 220, Flex Room, at 7 PM. 

Ballots Needed

Thank you to all who have already turned in their ballots.   We still need a lot more to establish a quorum.  We also need you to make sure that all owners sign the ballot as we have received a few that weren't signed and our indentures state they must be signed by all owners.  If you are not planning on bringing your ballot to the meeting, then please  submit your ballot using one of the following ways:

If you have misplaced your ballot, there is a link at the end of the email and additional information regarding the ballot on  the home page of Summer Chase's website. 

Helpful Links

Map to room 220 - Flex Room

Printable 2023 Trustee Ballot

2023 Trustee Candidate Information

9/25/22 -Email Sent to SC1 Members

Message has been updated from what was originally sent to correct the meeting date.

The Summer Chase 1 HOA Annual meeting will be Monday, November 14, 2022 from 7 PM to 8 PM.  This year the venue will be at Rockwood Summit High School in room 220 also known as The Flex Room.  Click here for an interior map of the room's location.

We are pleased to announce that 4 candidates will be running this year.  Information will be sent via USPS within the next 2 weeks that includes additional meeting details, your ballot and information pertaining to the 2023 candidates.

We are required to follow our indentures and Missouri laws to protect our subdivision.  Our indentures do not allow for electronic voting.  Please do your residential duty and turn in a ballot using one of the methods explained in the mailing you will be receiving so we can establish a quorum.

Bob Hupfeld, who has served on the board since June of 2010, has decided to retire from his board position.  Bob's main responsibility has been common ground maintenance and has played a key role at finding vendors and contract negotiations.  He and his wife Sally were an instrumental part in finding the contractor who completed our sports court and for years have decorated our entrance at Christmas.  Bob will be missed but has promised to help out the SC1 HOA if a need should arise.  We want to give Bob a big THANK YOU for serving our community all these years! 

9/3/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

2022 Pool Season Coming An End

The pool will officially close for the season Monday, September 5th, at 9 pm and be open normal operating hours (10 am - 9 pm) throughout the holiday weekend, weather permitting.

Waste Management Holiday Pickup Schedule

Due to the Labor Day holiday, all waste pickup will be off by one day this coming week. 

2023 Trustee Nominations

Trustee nominations are currently being accepted for the 2023 term.  If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the 2023 Trustee Nomination  form.  Nominations will be accepted through September 15th. 

Annual Meeting

We are looking to have the meeting early to mid November this year.  Once we secure a location we will send out the date and details.

8/23/22 -Email Sent to SC1 Residents

It's the time of the year that we reach out to the Summer Chase 1 residents and see if anyone is interested in running for a trustee position for 2023.  To help give people a better understanding of what is involved, a list of typical duties of the trustees can be found on the website.  

This is a great opportunity to get involved and have a platform to implement ideas for improvement.  We encourage new participation from someone looking to make a difference.  The current Trustees have accomplished many major renovations and maintenance items in the past few years, so mainly typical day to day responsibilities will be required.     

If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the 2023 Trustee Nomination  form.  Nominations will be accepted through September 15th.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about a Trustee position.     

8/15/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pool Survey.  The survey is now closed and the results may be viewed here.  We received useful feedback resulting in a general consensus that will assist the Trustees with future planning for maintenance improvements and most importantly the renewal of our pool contract.

We are evaluating the pool management contract that is up for renewal this year with Unique Pool Management.  We are getting bids from several other pool management companies.  The information obtained from the pool survey is being used as our guide for the new pool management contract specifications and for determining our pool pass system going forward.  An update will be provided before the beginning of next season with the outcome.  

The importance of pool maintenance is a priority to us all.   Upcoming projects that are in the works include:

All of us, as pool members, are asked to continue to be respectful to our neighbors, follow the simple guidelines of the pool and clean up after ourselves before leaving.

We appreciate all who took the time to complete the survey and we will use this feedback as a base for future decisions. 

8/2/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

Pool Survey

We have created a survey to ask for input on future pool management considerations.  The questions are to help the Trustees in determining the majority opinion.  If you feel a question doesn’t apply to your household, or you don’t find an answer that fits, please make the closest selection to your opinion.  You may add additional comments at the end of the survey.  The survey will remain open through August 14th.

Pool Survey


Pool Hours

Starting Monday, August 22, the pool will open at 4 pm each weekday (M-F) due to lifeguards returning to school. 

7/14/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

Unique Pool Management contacted us today to inform us that the Department of Labor does not allow scheduling lifeguards that are the age of 15 after 9 pm.  Unique has decided that it would be best for all the pools they manage to close by 9 pm, so as not to violate the Department of Labor requirement.  They will no longer be able to provide guards after 9 pm.  Due to their decision, the pool will no longer be open until 10 pm on Friday and Saturday nights and will be closing at 9 pm.    

If you have questions or concerns, Unique Pool Management can be contacted at 314 455-6350 or  info@UniquePoolManagement.com.  

7/2/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

4th of July Children's Parade

The 4th of July Children's Parade will be held Monday, July 4, and start at 10 AM at the pool parking lot and end in the cul-de-sac on Summerpoint Dr.  Please be aware that the streets along the parade route will be closed for a short period of time to allow for the parade.  

Pool Updates

A new diving board has been ordered and is covered under warranty.  The hope is that the new board  will arrive and be installed before the end of the season.  

A new timer for the lights has been ordered and should be installed within a week.

Waste Management Holiday Pickup Schedule

Due to the 4th of July holiday all waste pickup will be off by one day this coming week. 

6/24/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

4th of July Children's Parade 

Summer Chase 1 resident, Meredith Maston, is once again organizing a 4th of July Children's Parade.   Last year's parade was a huge success.  The parade will be held Monday, July 4 and start at 10 AM at the pool parking lot and end in the cul-de-sac on Summerpoint Dr.  See image of parade route on Summer Chase website's homepage. Children can decorate their bikes, wagons, scooters, etc., dress up in patriotic clothes and ride or walk the parade route.   The parade will be led by a Fenton Fire truck and the St. Louis County Police will provide an escort.  Popsicles will be handed out at the end of the route and the fire truck will hang out a little for the kids to see.    Meredith is looking into some games or music at the end, as well as a veteran or a military affiliation in the neighborhood that could kick off our parade with the pledge of allegiance.  If you have any ideas, suggestions or would like to be involved you can contact Meredith at (314) 651-4570 or she can also be reached on Facebook.

Unique Pool Management

Issues with the pool, such as safety, lifeguards, pool maintenance, etc., are handled by Unique Pool Management and may be reported directly to them at  314 455-6350 or  info@UniquePoolManagement.com.  We hire a management company to manage the pool.  By contacting them directly when something is witnessed, it enables them to take action quickly and they will only get the trustees involved when needed. 

5/17/22 -Email Sent to SC1 Residents

As most of you are aware, Rockwood took away bussing service for the elementary and middle school children living within 1 mile of their school.  You have probably also noticed the increased foot and car traffic at the front of our subdivision between 3:00 and 4:00pm.  We have received emails of concern from residents about the safety of children walking home from school with the limited visibility for cars entering the subdivision.  We too have the same safety concerns.  We have spoken with county police, the individual schools in our area, Rockwood transportation department and the county highway and streets department.  Rockwood informed us that they do not have the resources to staff additional bus drivers in the near future, so this will continue to be a problem in the coming years.  Rather than waiting for an accident to happen, we are trying to come up with some solutions to alleviate the congestion at the front of the subdivision during this peak traffic time.

St. Louis County will be putting up a "No Parking" sign on the north side of Summer Chase Ln for the stretch of road between Hawkins and Indian Summer Ct.  This will help with visibility for cars entering the subdivision at any time of day.  Any additional "No Parking" signs would have to be petition-based.  A No Parking Petition page has been  added to the Summer Chase website under Info.  The page contains the details to the St. Louis County petition process and  includes a downloadable sample petition.  Basically, the petitions would be done on a street by street basis.  If the houses along the south side of Summer Chase Ln would like there to be no parking in front of their houses during a specific timeframe, this would be done via the petition.  (NOTE:  this would disallow the resident from parking on the street during the listed times as well).  The link includes the contact information for the gentleman we spoke with at the county.  Any questions relating to the petition process should be directed to him.

We are hopeful that taking action now will prevent future accidents due to this traffic congestion. 

5/12/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members


The pool will open on Saturday, May 28th, at 10 am for the 2022 season.   Normal pool hours are:

Sunday through Thursday - 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Friday and Saturday - 10:00 am - 10:00 pm

Unique Pools, our pool management company, requires delaying the pool opening to 4 pm on days when the Rockwood school district is in session.  This is due to staffing issues.  The following dates the pool will not open until 4 pm:

If you have any pool related issues, please report them to Unique Pools at 314 455-6350 or email info@UniquePoolManagement.com.  Be sure to include Summer Chase 1 pool as they service many pools.


Unique's Easy Pool Pass system will be used again this year.  This is a digital pass system that uses a smartphone to retrieve your entry pass.    All residents who have paid their 2022 assessments will be receiving a separate email with details about using EasyPoolPass, the facility number and your family's 2022 resident ID to retrieve your daily pass.


The pool contract with Unique expires at the end of the 2022 pool season.  We will be getting bids from various pool management companies for the 2023 contract.  We plan to send out a survey this summer to solicit feedback from residents to help with the decision making regarding the new contract.   


The summerchase.org website contains various information about Summer Chase 1.  We often get questions that are already answered on the website or add content to the website from questions we receive from residents.  

2/13/22 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

Assessments Due By February 28

We extended the assessment due date this year from February 1 to February 28.  In March the accounting firm will send outstanding assessment bills and add the 25% finance charge required by our indentures.  For those who have not paid their assessment, please mail it to the address on the bill which is our accounting firm.

2022 Updates

The 3 trustees met in January to go over the finances and discuss any projects for this year.  Below is a list of the planned improvements:

12/3/21 -Email Sent to All Pool Members

ASSESSMENTS (SC1, SLE and Pool Members)

The annual assessments will be mailed on December 15, 2021, with a due date of January 15, 2022.  The Trustees are not allowed to change these dates, as they are stated as such in the indentures. For this year’s assessment, the Trustees have changed the late fee accrual date from February 1, 2022 to March 1, 2022.


Sunday, December 12, 2021 - The group, Midwest Off-Road HERS,  have offered to do a Parade of Lights through the subdivision.  The parade will start around 6:30-7:00 PM and travel from the entrance on Summer Chase Lane, to Summers End Lane, to Green Vale Court.   

11/15/21 - Email Sent to SC1 Members 

2022 SC1 Trustee Election 

We are happy to announce we have received a sufficient amount of ballots to consider the trustees duly elected.   We thank those residents who turned in their signed ballots.  We realize that the voting process is not the most convenient, but it is what is outlined in our bylaws and we are required to follow them.  The 2022 Summer Chase trustees will be:

Bob Hupfeld

DeAnn Laaker

Tracy Scherrer 

9/23/21 - Email sent to SC1 Members and the part pertaining to Sport Court sent to all Pool Members

Nomination for 2022 Trustees

Reminder that the 2022 trustee nominations are being accepted through, Thursday, September 30th.  If you would like to submit a nomination, please click here and complete the form.

Annual Meeting

The Summer Chase 1 HOA meeting will be held Tuesday October 26, from 7 pm to 8 pm in Rockwood South Middle School's cafeteria.  The cafeteria can be seen from the entrance lobby of the school.  Ballots will be sent by USPS mail in early October.

Tennis/Volleyball Court Net

Someone broke the tennis/volleyball adjustable net mechanism the week after the new one was installed.  Our new solution will be to have the net permanently kept in the tennis position and the handle removed.  An additional net will be supplied that can be hung above the tennis net for volleyball/badminton.     

9/12/21 - Email Sent to SC1 Members 

It's the time of the year that we reach out to the Summer Chase 1 residents and see if anyone is interested in running for a trustee position for 2022.  To help give people a better understanding of what is involved, a list of typical duties of the trustees can be found on the website.  Besides the day to day duties the 2021 trustees took on a lot of projects as some items needed maintenance.  The following items have been accomplished:

If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out this form.  Nominations will be accepted through September 30th.

Information For Title Companies

To request association fees for closing, send an email with pertinent information to summerchase1@summerchase.org or mail PO Box 916, Fenton MO 63026.